Welcome To Heal Ayurveda
Traditional Ayurvedic Therapies

Ayurveda in 21st century
Follow Your Heart
Today, many people use Ayurveda to treat their diseases. It has transformed the lives of millions of people. Diseases which were thought to be incurable through medicines were cured because of Ayurveda. It has brought smiles on face of many people and gave them an opportunity to lead a disease free life.

Sneha Abhyangam
Massage of the body with the help of taila, ghrita in the same direction of the body (Anuloman gati) is called Abhyanga.
Shir means head and Dhara means to pour. So, Shirodhara means a purifying and detoxification technique used to manage physical and mental exertion and fatigue.
Udhwarthanam is one such procedure that helps your skin stay healthy and glowing with your body getting rid of most of its excessive fat.
Potli Swedna
Potli massage therapy is done using heated herbal pouches also known as potlis that are used to nourish the affected area.
Potli Karma
It is a special type of massage for face and skin which helps to relax, refresh and nourish the face with the therapeutic effect. It is of two type, that is, dry potli and wet potli.
Janu Vasti
The knee joint is called “Janu Sandhi” in Sanskrit; hence the name “Janu-Vasti” is given to the procedure done on the knee joints.
Greeva Vasti
A dough of gram flour is rolled out in the shape of a hollow pit and sealed on the nape of the neck. After the pit is thoroughly sealed, warm medicated oil is slowly poured in it.